The name of this website, Morning Glories, comes from the glories that I witness each morning when I work and play out in the garden.
If you've come to this site in the process of researching the Morning Glory flowering plant, here is some basic information and a collection of links where you should be able to find what you're looking for.
Morning Glory (Ipomoea) is an annual from seed that re-seeds every year. It comes in a variety of colors and blooms in the morning. Each bloom opens once and then dies in the heat of the afternoon, but the blooms are abundant. Morning Glory is a twining vine that can wrap around trellises and other structures.
For more detailed information, visit any or all of these sites:
Morning Glory search results at Dave's Garden
Search for Morning Glory in HortiPlex at Garden Web
Morning Glory page at The Garden Path
Morning Glory page at Ornamental Plants Database (Michigan State University Extension)
Morning Glory page at the National Gardening Association
Morning Glory page at Garden Guides
Morning Glory page at Wikipedia
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