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Seeds of Wisdom

  • "It is always exciting to open the door and go out into the garden for the first time on any day." Marion Cran
  • "When in the fresh mornings I go into my garden before anyone is awake, I go for the time being into perfect happiness." Celia Thaxter
  • "If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need." Cicero
  • "He who owns a garden, However small it be, Whose hands have planted in it Flower or bush or tree; He who watches patiently The growth from nurtured sod, Who thrills at newly opened bloom Is very close to God." Katherine Edelman
  • "Like a big mountain, a small garden stimulates, restores, and delights us, just as it poses challenges, promotes mastery, provides exercise and relieves monotony." Winifred Gallagher
  • "Though an old man I am but a young gardener." Thomas Jefferson
  • "A garden is never so good as it will be next year." Thomas Cooper
  • "Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint, and the soil and sky as canvas." Eizabeth Murray
  • "God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done." Author Unknown


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Looks like what we call Goldenrod which makes me sneeze & feel yucky .. lol


Are you talking about the tall flowering plant pictured? That is goldenrod. Definitely not caryopteris. A roadside weed for sure, but a pretty one in the right spot in the garden. It spreads by runners and seeds. I let some of mine go, others I pull. Maybe the caryopteris died out and the goldenrod was already in the pot? I have had that happen at plant sales before.


Annoying isn't it. You hang on till the bitter end waiting for it to transform into the expected plant - and it turns out to be something else! I've often had the same thing happen.


Hello Beth, how funny - though not funny to you probably. I have the same happen one year where I traded and switched with another garden plant. I kept wondering about this huge plant and waited for it to bloom. Well, to make a long story short, another friend told me I was growing weeds. Out it went ! :-) Greetings from Germany, Andrea


Thank you for the info, Cherry and Tina. Another "mystery plant" now has a name!

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